Registration Form

After filling the form, click on the "Register" button. All fields marked with * are mandatory.
If the registration is successful, you will receive an email with the passcode for accessing your team page (top-right corner on the home page), where you can download the dataset and make submissions.
However, you will be able to make submissions only after your account has been manually verified by us

Team name*: (only alphanumeric characters are allowed)
Team leader name*:
Team leader email*:
Affiliation* (you can write no affiliation if you don't have one):
Team members* (one per line), for each member please provide the information in this format: "first name, last name, link to your google scholar page, Linked-In, DBLP or academic page (this information is needed to validate your profile, put "None" only if you don't have any such page). Please NOTE, in case none of the team members has a public research profile nor is affiliated with a research institution or research & development entity of an organization no access will be granted:
Website: (use this to link to a webpage or a paper explaning your systems; the link must start with http; it will be shown on the leaderboard; you may fill this after the end of the competition)
Data Usage Agreement*:
The dataset may include content which is protected by copyright of third parties. It may only be used in the context of this shared task, and only for scientific research purposes. The dataset may not be redistributed or shared in part or full with any third party. You may not share you passcode with others or give access to the dataset to unauthorised users. Any other use is explicitly prohibited.
