Registration Form

After filling the form, click on the "Register" button. All fields marked with * are mandatory.
If the registration is successful, you will receive an email with the passcode for accessing your team page (top-right corner on the home page), where you can download the dataset and make submissions.

Team name*: (only alphanumeric characters are allowed)
Team leader name*:
Team leader email*:
Team members (one per line):
Website: (use this to link to a webpage or a paper explaning your systems; the link must start with http; it will be shown on the leaderboard; you can fill this later when the competition is over)


  • Dimiter Dimitrov, Sofia University, Bulgaria
  • Giovanni Da San Martino, University of Padova
  • Hamed Firooz, Facebook AI
  • Fabrizio Silvestri, Facebook AI
  • Preslav Nakov, Qatar Computing Research Institute, HBKU
  • Shaden Shaar, Qatar Computing Research Institute, HBKU
  • Firoj Alam, Qatar Computing Research Institute, HBKU
  • Bishr Bin Ali, King's College, London
