*** If you participated in SemEval 2020 task 11, you can reuse the same passcode to access your team page. The test set you'll submit to is the same as the one of the SemEval 2020 task 11 competition. ***
Propagandistic news articles use specific techniques to convey their message, such as whataboutism, red Herring, and name calling, among many others. The Propaganda Techniques Corpus (PTC) allows to study automatic algorithms to detect them. We provide a permanent leaderboard to allow researchers both to advertise their progress and to be up-to-speed with the state of the art on the tasks offered (see below for a definition).

Task Description


We refer to propaganda whenever information is purposefully shaped to foster a predetermined agenda. Propaganda uses psychological and rhetorical techniques to reach its purpose. Such techniques include the use of logical fallacies and appealing to the emotions of the audience. Logical fallacies are usually hard to spot since the argumentation, at first sight, might seem correct and objective. However, a careful analysis shows that the conclusion cannot be drawn from the premise without the misuse of logical rules. Another set of techniques makes use of emotional language to induce the audience to agree with the speaker only on the basis of the emotional bond that is being created, provoking the suspension of any rational analysis of the argumentation. All of these techniques are intended to go unnoticed to achieve maximum effect.

Technical Description

The main task asks to produce models capable of spotting text fragments in which propaganda techniques are used in a news article.

We have compiled a corpus of about 550 news articles in which fragments containing one out of 18 propaganda techniques have been annotated.
We have defined the following tasks on the corpus:

  • SI - Given a plain-text document, identify the fragments that contain a propaganda technique. This is a binary sequence tagging task.
    We refer to it as SI (Span Identification).
  • TC - Given a text fragment identified as propaganda and its document context, identify the propaganda technique at hand. This is a multi-label multi-class classification problem. Although the data has been annotated with 18 techniques, given the relatively low frequency of some of them, we decided to merge similar underrepresented techniques into one superclass:
    • Bandwagon and Reductio ad Hitlerum into "Bandwagon,Reductio ad Hitlerum"
    • Straw Men, Red Herring and Whataboutism into "Whataboutism,Straw_Men,Red_Herring"
    and to eliminate "Obfuscation,Intentional Vagueness,Confusion".
    Therefore this is a 14-classes classification task, which we refer to as TC (Technique Classification).
  • FLC - A third task, not present in SemEval2021-task 11, puts together task SI and TC: given a plain-text document, identify both the text-fragments in which a propaganda technique is used and the technique being used.
    This is a multi-label multi-class sequence tagging task. We refer to it as FLC (Fragment Level Classification).

Data Description

We provided a training set and a development set to build your systems locally. We further provide a test set (without annotations) and an online submission website to score your systems. A public leaderboard will show the progress on the task of the researchers involved in the task.

Input Articles

The input for all tasks will be news articles in plain text format. Task TC additionally requires a set of spans as input. Participants will be provided with three folders: train-articles and dev-articles annotated, test-articles for which annotations are not provided. Each article appears in one .txt file. The title is on the first row, followed by an empty row. The content of the article starts from the third row, one sentence per line. Each article has been retrieved with the newspaper3k library and sentence splitting has been performed automatically with NLTK sentence splitter.

Here is an example article (we assume the article id is 123456):

0Manchin says Democrats acted like 34babies40 at the SOTU (video) Personal Liberty Poll Exercise your right to vote.
Democrat West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin says his colleagues’ refusal to stand or applaud during President Donald Trump’s State of the Union speech was disrespectful and a signal that 296the party is more concerned with obstruction than it is with progress365.
In a glaring sign of just how 397stupid and petty413 things have become in Washington these days, Manchin was invited on Fox News Tuesday morning to discuss how he was one of the only Democrats in the chamber for the State of the Union speech 604not looking as though Trump 632killed his grandma650.
When others in his party declined to applaud even for the most uncontroversial of the president’s remarks, Manchin did.
He even stood for the president when Trump entered the room, a customary show of respect for the office in which his colleagues declined to participate.
file: article123456.txt

Notice that superscripts are not present in the original article file, we have added them here in order to be able to reference text spans. The first character of the article has index 0. The indices are the ones reported by the annotation platform Anafora, which, according to all our tests, corresponds to the ones computed by loading the full article into a string (in Python) and then using string indexing.
The text is noisy, which makes the task trickier: for example in row 1 "Personal Liberty Poll Exercise your right to vote." is clearly not part of the title.

There are several propaganda techniques that were used in the article above:

  • The fragment “babies” on the first line (characters 34 to 40) is an instance of both Name_Calling and Labeling
  • On the third line the fragment “the party is more concerned with obstruction than it is with progress” is an instance of Black_and_White_Fallacy
  • The fourth line has multiple propagandistic fragments
    • “stupid and petty” is an instance of Loaded_Language;
    • “not looking as though Trump killed his grandma” is an instance of Exaggeration and Minimisation
    • “killed his grandma” is an instance of Loaded_Language

Gold Labels and Submission Format

Task SI - Span Identification

The format of a tab-separated line of the gold label and the submission files for task SI is:

 id     begin_offset     end_offset 

where id is the identifier of the article, begin_offset is the character where the covered span begins (included) and end_offset is the character where the covered span ends (not included). Therefore, a span ranges from begin_offset to end_offset-1. The first character of an article has index 0. The number of lines in the file corresponds to the number of fragments spotted. Notice that if two techniques overlap, for example "not looking as though Trump killed his grandma" (characters 607-653) and "killed his grandma" (characters 635-653) , they are merged into one fragment (characters 607-653). This is the gold file for the article above, article123456.txt:

  123456     34     40
  123456    299    368
  123456    400    416
  123456    607    653

gold label SI file: article123456.task1-SI.labels

Tasks TC - Technique Classification

The format of a tab-separated line of the gold label and the submission files for task TC is:

 id   technique    begin_offset     end_offset 

where id is the identifier of the article, technique is one out of the 14 techniques, begin_offset is the character where the covered span begins (included) and end_offset is the character where the covered span ends (not included). Therefore, a span ranges from begin_offset to end_offset-1. The first character of an article has index 0. The number of lines in the file corresponds to the number of techniques spotted (for this task overlapping techniques are not merged). This is the gold file for the article above, article123456.txt:

123456    Name_Calling,Labeling      34     40
 123456    Black-and-White_Fallacy    299    368
 123456    Loaded_Language            400    416
 123456    Exaggeration,Minimization  607    653
 123456    Loaded_Language            635    653

gold label file for taskTC: article123456.task2-TC.labels


Upon registration, participants will have access to their team page, where they can also download scripts for scoring both tasks. Here is a brief description of the evaluation measures the scorers compute.

Task SI

SI task consists in the identification of the propagandistic fragments. The evaluation function gives credit to partial matching between two spans. In a nutshell, the partial credit is proportional to the intersection of the two spans, and it is normalized by the length of the two spans. To know more check our detailed description.

Task TC

While formally TC is a a multilabel multiclass classification problem, we turned it into a multiclass classification problem: if a span is associated with multiple techniques, the input file will have multiple copies of such fragments, so multiclass classification algorithms can be applied. The official evaluation measure for the task is the micro-averaged F1 measure.

Task FLC

FLC is a multi-label multi-class sequence tagging task. We modify the standard micro-averaged F1 to account for partial matching between the spans. In addition, an F1 value is computed for each propaganda technique.

How to Participate

  • Register to access the data and the option to submit your predictions (follow the link on top).
  • You will get an email with your team passcode. In case you do not receive the email, after checking your SPAM folder, then send us an email. We recommed you write down the passocode (and bookmark your team page) so that you do not have to wait for the email to start working on the tasks.
    We will use your email only to send you updates on the corpus or to let you know if we organise any event on the topic, we promise.
  • Use the passcode on the top-right box to enter your team page. There you can download the data and submit your runs.
  • Submit your predictions on the test set to check your performance evolution.
    Given the definition of the tasks, it is possible to guess the gold labels for the test set. Do not waste your and our time submitting perfect systems.
    Avoid submitting an abnormal number of submissions with the purpose of guessing the gold labels.
    Manual predictions are forbidden; the whole process should be automatic.
    The data may only be used for academic purposes.
    In order for disseminate the results, we give the chance to the users to share a link to a paper or a website describing your systems.


We have created a google group for the task. Join it to ask any question and to interact with other participants.

Follow us on twitter to get the latest updates on the data and the competition!

If you need to contact the organisers only, send us an email.

This initiative is part of the Propaganda Analysis Project

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